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Daway Podcast

Apr 25, 2024

Today's episode is a dialogue between Aurelia and Anthony. Conversations between natives is a great way to improve your listening skills!

El episodio de hoy es un diálogo entre Aurelia y Anthony. ¡Las conversaciones entre nativos son una excelente manera de mejorar tus habilidades de listening!

Apr 18, 2024

In general, the Past Simple is quite easy. However, there are two difficult aspects: regular VS irregular verbs and the pronunciation of ¨ed¨ regular verbs.  This is what we are going to focus on in this podcast. 

Apr 11, 2024

An important skill in language is being able to explain a word without saying the word - paraphrasing. So let's play Taboo! Guess the name of the job that Aurelia describes.  

Una habilidad importante en el lenguaje es ser capaz de explicar una palabra sin decir la palabra, parafraseando. ¡Así que juguemos a Taboo!...

Apr 4, 2024

Phrasal Verbs are extremely important to show that you have a good level of spoken English. These are the basic phrasal verbs that Teacher Aurelia expects you to use in the speaking exam, if possible.

Mar 28, 2024

Springtime in Murcia, Spain, is a vibrant tapestry woven with colorful traditions, joyful celebrations, and a deep-rooted sense of community. As the flowers bloom and the temperatures rise, the region comes alive with a series of captivating festivals that capture the essence of Spanish culture. Let's embark on a...